Fathers That Children hate
Sometimes when a father is addicted to the roads to ruin, [Apayamukha] and unable to be the leader of the household, the responsibilities fall upon the mother
Instilling a Love of Meditation in Our Children
Meditation is the most effective way to train the mind to focus. The practice helps to strengthen the mind so that it will not be easily diverted
Support the 100,000-Monk Ordination Project
Please support the 100,000-Monk Ordination during the Buddhist Lent Project
Dear Father, Please Don’t Let Me Become Addicted to Television
One of the concerns facing parents today is not having enough time to spend with their children because almost all of their available time is used to earn al living to support the family
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Raising our children (2)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fourth Group of Blessings. Blessing Twelve :- Raising our children.
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#3
To protect children from bad situations occurring in the family, you must train the children to be good
Qualifications of Good Children#1
Once parents realize the answers, they will have a standard with which to raise children
Children Who Want Their Father to Quit Drinking
Many families may have faced the daily problem of seeing their father being drunk and belligerent.
Good tips for teaching children
The present society is facing increased problems of children lacking gratitude for their parents. Do you have any recommendations in teaching our children to become good and grateful people?
What Should Parents Do When Their Children Do Not Get Along?
Here is a true story for parents who have not yet begun creating harmony in their families